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Distraction Osteogenesis

Rebuild and Restore Facial Bone

Distraction osteogenesis is a way to rebuild facial bone without traditional bone grafting. This bone regeneration method works by slowly pulling apart segments of bone, allowing new bone to form in the open space. This treatment is ideal for patients who are not candidates for traditional bone grafting or who require larger corrections in bone position.

At Lubbock Dental Specialists, Dr. Graves and Dr. Wilkinson use the distraction osteogenesis method to rebuild facial bone, restoring structure, function, and appearance to the oral and maxillofacial regions. To schedule your consultation with our board-certified oral surgery experts, contact our office in Lubbock or Amarillo, TX, today. 

How Does Distraction Osteogenesis Work? 

Distraction osteogenesis, also called bone lengthening, is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and separating bone. As the bony segments are gradually pulled apart, new bone forms to fill in the gap. This method is a safe and effective way to repair defects and correct craniofacial deformities for children and adults. 

When more bone is needed in the craniofacial skeleton, bone grafting and distraction osteogenesis are both effective options. Bone grafting is more suitable when there is a healthy site to harvest bone from or when the amount of bone needed is small. Distraction osteogenesis allows us to rebuild bone without needing to harvest bone from elsewhere and can be used to correct larger craniofacial defects. 

Benefits of Distraction Osteogenesis

There are many benefits of rebuilding facial bone through distraction osteogenesis, such as: 

  • Patients experience less pain and swelling compared to traditional surgery for a similar procedure
  • Eliminate the need for a second surgical site to harvest bone graft material 
  • Can be used as an alternative to traditional bone grafting in some cases

Distraction Osteogenesis Procedure

During the consultation appointment, you will meet with one of our board-certified oral surgeons to create your custom treatment plan and determine if distraction osteogenesis is right for you. We will take detailed 3D scans of your head and face to evaluate your facial structures. There are many anesthesia options available to ensure your comfort during surgery. This procedure is often performed under general anesthesia.

The distraction osteogenesis process involves a surgical procedure to insert the device, a period of gradual distraction (separation) afterward, and a second procedure to remove the device. During the initial procedure, your surgeon will make controlled cuts in the bone and insert the separation device. 

You will return to our office about a week or so after the procedure so your surgeon can monitor the device, make adjustments, and show you how to activate the appliance. Most patients will wear the device for several months as the bone heals. In younger patients, the distraction time is often shorter because children have faster bone regenerative capabilities than adults. When the new bone is strong enough, you will return to our office for a second procedure to have the device removed. 

Distraction osteogenesis is not painful. Many patients compare it to the feeling of having braces tightened. After treatment is complete, you will have new, healthy craniofacial bone that benefits your oral and overall health.

Types of Anesthesia

There are many anesthesia and sedation options available to you.

Distraction Osteogenesis at Lubbock Dental Specialists

Distraction osteogenesis is a safe and effective way for patients of all ages to rebuild craniofacial bone. Contact Lubbock Dental Specialists in Lubbock or Amarillo, TX, to schedule an appointment with Dr. Graves or Dr. Wilkinson and see how distraction osteogenesis can improve your or your child’s health.

Comprehensive Endodontic & Oral Surgery Care for All Ages

If you require endodontic treatment or oral surgery, or if you are experiencing an endodontic emergency, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists. We have two offices in the Texas Panhandle and look forward to caring for you and your family.