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Endodontic Emergencies

Relief & Treatment for Tooth Pain or Injury

An infected or damaged tooth can cause significant pain and may require emergency endodontic treatment. Seeing an endodontist as soon as possible increases the chance of saving the tooth and preventing the need for extraction. 

If you are experiencing severe tooth pain or a dental injury that has caused a crack or large chip in a tooth, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists to be seen by Dr. Scherer. We have offices in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX, and respond promptly to endodontic emergencies so that we can make every effort to preserve your natural tooth. 

Types of Endodontic Emergencies 

While a tooth with minor damage or a cavity may be uncomfortable, it does not always constitute an emergency. Dental emergencies are situations where you experience sudden and unrelenting tooth pain or at risk of losing a tooth after a traumatic incident. Many dentists can treat dental emergencies, but some conditions require specialized care from an endodontist to reattach a tooth or perform an emergency root canal procedure. 

If you are experiencing any of these conditions, we recommend contacting our office, as emergency treatment may be necessary to save one or more of your teeth: 

  • Severe or unbearable tooth pain that persists or worsens 
  • A large crack or chip in a tooth exposing the dental pulp 
  • Part of a tooth has broken off completely 
  • A tooth has broken into multiple pieces 

You may experience a fever, swollen gums, or a sore throat in addition to these symptoms. Contact our office in Lubbock or Amarillo right away to receive urgent endodontic care. 

Treatment for Tooth Pain or Damage

When a tooth is at risk of failing or falling out, it is our goal to make every attempt to preserve its health and function. Our primary goal when you first arrive at our office is to identify the problem and help you find relief from your discomfort. We may take 3D scans of your mouth to help us diagnose the condition. For pain relief and to ensure your comfort during treatment, we offer a variety of anesthesia and sedation options. 

The type of treatment you need will depend on the condition affecting the tooth, and Dr. Scherer will explain all of your options to you beforehand. Most endodontic emergencies are a result of an issue, such as infection or damage, within a tooth’s pulp, which requires root canal treatment. The type of root canal therapy you need will depend on the severity of the damage or infection. 


A pulpotomy, or baby root canal, is done to save a severely decayed tooth if the decay is confined to the crown. It is often performed on children with baby teeth, as the primary goal of a pulpotomy is to maintain the tooth’s vitality so that it will not be lost early. However, it may be appropriate for some adults and older children who have permanent teeth and will serve as the first step in root canal therapy. During the procedure, your endodontist will remove the infected pulp from under a tooth’s crown, fill the empty space, and seal it closed. 


Pulpectomies are performed on teeth that are no longer alive and can treat primary teeth with dead pulp or permanent teeth with infected pulp. The procedure involves removing all the pulp and roots and cleaning the canal to prevent further infection, similar to a root canal procedure. The difference is that root canal treatment goes a step further and involves filling the canals with a sealing material. Like a pulpotomy, a pulpectomy may also serve as the first step in root canal therapy. 

What Should I Do During an Endodontic Emergency? 

If you are in severe dental pain or have experienced dental trauma, remain calm and contact Lubbock Dental Specialists or the nearest dental office. We will see you as soon as possible and instruct you on what to do before arriving at our office. 

We understand that a dental emergency can be stressful and uncomfortable, but there are steps you can take to manage pain and bleeding until you can be seen. If your tooth or gums are bleeding, bite down on a clean gauze, paper towel, or cotton ball. Hold an ice pack to the outside of your cheek near the area, but do not freeze the skin. If your medical history allows, you may take over-the-counter pain medication for pain relief. If part of a tooth has broken off and you are able to locate it, wrap it in wet gauze and bring it with you to our office. 

Dr. Scherer is an endodontic expert who will make every attempt to preserve the health of your natural teeth. Sometimes, a natural tooth cannot be saved despite all of our efforts. In these instances, we can discuss your options for tooth restoration, such as natural-looking dental implants.

Types of Anesthesia

There are many anesthesia and sedation options available to you.

Emergency Endodontics in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX

In the event of a dental emergency, you can count on our team at Lubbock Dental Specialists to provide the comfortable care you need while making every effort to save your natural teeth. Contact us in Lubbock or Amarillo, TX, in the event of an endodontic emergency, or if you are unsure whether you require emergency dental care, as our team will be happy to assist you.

Comprehensive Endodontic & Oral Surgery Care for All Ages

If you require endodontic treatment or oral surgery, or if you are experiencing an endodontic emergency, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists. We have two offices in the Texas Panhandle and look forward to caring for you and your family.