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Root Canal Treatment

Manage Infection & Save Your Natural Teeth

The inside of a tooth is a sensitive space that contains dental pulp made up of nerve tissue, blood vessels, and cells. If bacteria gains access to the dental pulp, an endodontist performs root canal treatment to safely and effectively remove infected dental pulp. The goal of root canal treatment is to save your natural tooth and avoid the need to extract it.

If you require root canal therapy for one or more teeth, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists today at our office in Lubbock or Amarillo, TX. Dr. Scherer is an endodontic expert who specializes in preserving the health of your natural teeth and alleviating tooth pain. We offer anesthesia options to ensure your comfort, and our team looks forward to providing you with an exceptional patient experience. 

How Does Root Canal Therapy Work? 

Root canal therapy, more commonly known as a root canal, works by removing infected dental pulp within a tooth and replacing it with a filling. Dental pulp often becomes infected when a cavity is left untreated for a long time, but infection can also occur if a tooth becomes damaged or because of genetics. If the infected dental pulp is not treated, the infection can cause a dental abscess or bacteria can spread to the tip of the root, causing bone loss and subsequent tooth loss. Undergoing root canal treatment is an alternative to having a tooth extracted and by managing the infection, we can eliminate the need for extraction altogether. 

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment? 

Sometimes, the symptoms of needing a root canal are obvious because you may experience severe tooth pain. In other cases, patients may experience mild symptoms that progressively worsen over time. We encourage you to contact our office for an appointment if you notice any of these signs, as they may indicate the need for a root canal: 

  • Severe pain or pressure in the mouth
  • Noticeable swelling of the gums 
  • Severe gum sensitivity 
  • Sharp tooth pain when you bite down 
  • Pain or sensitivity to hot or cold foods 

When dental pulp becomes infected, it’s crucial to receive treatment as soon as you can. The faster we can remove the infection, the higher the chances are of saving your natural tooth. 

Root Canal Procedure

First, we will see you for a consultation appointment where Dr. Scherer will evaluate your teeth. We may take 3D scans of your teeth at this time. Typical root canal treatment will require three visits. Many patients only require local anesthesia, however we offer many options for your comfort. 

After we administer the anesthesia, Dr. Scherer will make a small opening in the affected tooth to access the pulp chamber and root canals. Infected and inflamed tissue is removed, then the chambers and empty canals are cleaned. We will shape the inner chamber and insert a rubber-like material called gutta-percha, which creates a seal for the filling. 

We may seal the tooth the same day as the cleaning, but if medication was prescribed to treat the infection, you can expect to return about a week later. To seal the root canal, Dr. Scherer will insert the filling into the tooth and seal the hole that was created to access the pulp. 

The final step of root canal treatment is the crown, which will restore function to the tooth and prevent future damage. You should see your restorative dentist for your crown shortly after your root canal treatment, ideally in 1 week.

Types of Anesthesia

There are many anesthesia and sedation options available to you.

Root Canal Treatment in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX

Dr. Scherer at Lubbock Dental Specialists is the root canal expert in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX. We look forward to preserving the health of your natural teeth and helping you find relief from dental pain. To find out how much your root canal treatment would cost, explore your payment and financing options, and schedule an appointment, contact our office today.

Comprehensive Endodontic & Oral Surgery Care for All Ages

If you require endodontic treatment or oral surgery, or if you are experiencing an endodontic emergency, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists. We have two offices in the Texas Panhandle and look forward to caring for you and your family.