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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Safe & Comfortable Third Molar Extraction

During the late teens or early twenties, many people develop an extra set of molars known as wisdom teeth. The average adult mouth does not have room for these large molars, which is why dental experts recommend having them extracted. At Lubbock Dental Specialists, Dr. Graves and Dr. Wilkinson perform wisdom tooth extractions in the comfort of our offices in Lubbock and Amarillo, TX. If you or your child have wisdom teeth, we invite you to contact us and schedule a consultation so that we can evaluate the position of these teeth and determine the right time to have them removed. 

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth? 

When there is not enough room in the mouth for wisdom teeth, these molars can cause numerous problems as they develop. Wisdom teeth can grow sideways and push against other teeth as they try to squeeze in, which can damage adjacent molars. The roots of these molars are large and unpredictable. As they grow, they can damage facial nerves or the roots of nearby teeth. 

The presence of wisdom teeth can lead to other issues, such as: 

  • Infection
  • Difficulty chewing and/or swallowing
  • Formation of cysts or tumors 
  • Overcrowding
  • Impaction

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

An impacted wisdom tooth happens when a wisdom tooth is partially or fully trapped beneath the gums or jaw bone. This occurs when there is not enough room in the mouth for the tooth to properly erupt. Partially impacted teeth are somewhat visible above the gum line, while a fully impacted tooth is not visible. Surgical extraction is necessary to treat an impacted wisdom tooth because it will not erupt on its own. 

Impacted wisdom teeth are difficult to clean because some are only partially visible, while others are not visible at all. This increases the risk of cavities, gum disease, infection, and tooth decay. Many people experience pain from impacted wisdom teeth as they push against adjacent molars, causing pressure and discomfort. If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, having it removed as soon as possible will prevent these issues from having the chance to arise and protect your oral health. 

Wisdom Teeth Symptoms

If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be time to have your wisdom teeth extracted. Contact Lubbock Dental Specialists to schedule an appointment, and our oral surgery experts will evaluate your wisdom teeth to see if it’s time to have them removed. 

  • Red or swollen gums 
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Jaw pain or swelling
  • Pain or pressure in the back of your mouth
  • Ongoing bad breath, even after brushing
  • An unpleasant taste 
  • You can see a wisdom tooth poking through the gums
  • Difficulty fully opening your mouth

Wisdom teeth do not always cause noticeable symptoms right away. During regular dental exams, your dentist looks for wisdom teeth and will refer you to an oral surgeon when it’s time to have them removed. It is important to see your dentist regularly so that we can treat wisdom teeth as soon as we can. If left untreated, wisdom teeth can cause long-term damage to your teeth, jaw bone, and gums. 

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

You will meet with Dr. Graves or Dr. Wilkinson during your first visit, who will take 3D scans of your teeth, examine your oral health, and design your custom treatment plan. We will also help you decide the right type of anesthesia for your procedure to ensure your comfort. IV sedation is often used for third molar extractions, but there are many options available. 

On the day of your procedure, we will administer the anesthesia and wait for it to take effect. Your oral surgeon will use forceps to carefully extract wisdom teeth that have erupted through the gums. To extract impacted teeth, your surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access and remove them. Sometimes, we may break up large teeth into smaller pieces to make removal easier. After the wisdom teeth have been removed, we will place sutures as needed and your procedure will be complete. 

Bank Stem Cells From Wisdom Teeth With Stemodontics®

At Lubbock Dental Specialists, you have the opportunity to invest in you or your child’s future health by banking stem cells from wisdom teeth. Stem cells can differentiate into other types of cells to heal the body and can potentially be used in regenerative medicine and other therapies. We are a certified Stemodontics provider and are happy to discuss your stem cell banking options with you during your first appointment. 

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal

The cost of having your wisdom teeth removed depends on the number of teeth you need to have extracted, your choice of anesthesia, your insurance, and the complexity of your procedure. We will provide a cost estimate during your first visit and explain all of your payment and financing options. To find out how much your wisdom teeth removal would cost, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists today to schedule your consultation.

Types of Anesthesia

There are many anesthesia and sedation options available to you.

Wisdom Teeth Removal at Lubbock Dental Specialists

If you or your child needs wisdom teeth removed, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists in Lubbock or Amarillo, TX, to schedule an appointment with our board-certified oral surgeons, Dr. Graves or Dr. Wilkinson. We will walk you through every step of your treatment to ensure a comfortable and positive oral surgery experience.

Comprehensive Endodontic & Oral Surgery Care for All Ages

If you require endodontic treatment or oral surgery, or if you are experiencing an endodontic emergency, contact Lubbock Dental Specialists. We have two offices in the Texas Panhandle and look forward to caring for you and your family.